Writing an arackpy application

Getting started with a new library or framework can be daunting, especially when presented with a large amount of reference material to read. This chapter gives a very quick introduction to arackpy without going into too much detail.

Hello, World!

Open up your favorite python text editor and type the following:

# hello_spider.py

from __future__ import division     # for python 2.7

from arackpy.spider import Spider

class HelloSpider(Spider):
    """A simple spider in just five lines of working code"""

    start_urls = ["https://www.python.org"]

    def parse(self, url, html):
        """Extract data from the raw html"""
        print("Crawling url, %s" % url)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Press Ctrl-c to stop crawling")
    spider = HelloSpider()

Run the program using:

python hello_spider.py

See it go! But wait…! Press Ctrl-c to stop crawling like it says before reprisal from the BDFL. See the API documentation for more information to better take control of your spider’s actions.


You may have to press and hold Ctrl-c for it to work.

Where to next?

Take a look at the arackpy examples directory for additional demo programs. To get the samples, download it from BitBucket.


Make sure to get the examples for the version you have installed.